Master of Project Management

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Main Information

Program ID : 136

Added By : President

Languages : en

Program Title : Master of Project Management

Type of Qualification : Master

Category : College of Business

Mode Of Study : Online - Self Paced

Program Delivered In The Following Languages :

Length of program : 6 Months on Average

Number of Lectures :

Number Of Study Hours :

Qualification Accredited/Approved By :

Sample of Qualification : Click Here

Price (£) : 6000

Program Details

Program Description : Whether you are managing a complex project, bringing a new product to market or managing an organisational change, this course provides you with the skills and knowledge to plan, implement, control and deliver your projects at strategic and operational levels. You will gain significant analytical, interpersonal and practical competencies through tailored modules that cover advance planning and visualisation, risk management, procurement and contract strategy, health and safety, managing operations and finance, and management of change. You will also undertake a major research project that allows you to specialise in a field of interest to you. Teesside University has a strong research record in project management. The course is suitable for new and recent university graduates seeking careers in project management, and to practitioners with relevant industrial experience intending to undertake project management roles and responsibilities in their organisations.

Admission Criteria :

Who Is This Program Designed For :

Characteristics Of Program :

Program Content :

Additional Info :

Program Certification

  • Master's in Project Management [ Free ]
  • Official Transcript [ Free ]


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Master of Project Management

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