Complaint Policy

Introduction and Context
The Complaints Policy is intended to bring matters of concern to the attention of the Academy , and facilitate the timely investigation and addressing of these concerns. The process provides welcome feedback to help the Academy improve.
Principles and Scope

1 This policy is for use by students, apprentices, parents/carers of under 18s, employers, former employees, clients and the general public.

2 Complainants may appoint a representative to deal with matters (including any responses) on their behalf – for example a parent or guardian. This will need to be confirmed by the complainant in writing or, where necessary, using an alternative method of communication.

3 This policy aims to be simple, clear and fair to all parties involved.

4 No complainant bringing a complaint under this policy will be treated less favourably by any member of staff. If there is evidence to the contrary, the member of staff may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

5. All Complaints MUST be sent by email to

This policy applies to all students enrolled to an education course at Oxford Elite Academy.
Collective complaints
Where issues raised in a complaint affect a number of students, those students can submit a ‘group complaint’. Where this happens, and in order to manage the administration and progression of the complaint, we will normally ask the group to nominate one student to act as a group representative.
The Chief Operations Officer or Chief Administrative officer will assign a Manager or representative to investigate the formal complaint. The Investigating Manager will update the complainant with the findings of their investigation. During this stage, you may be contacted for further information or may be invited to meet with the Investigating Manager. Where the complainant is invited to attend a meeting, a member of staff may accompany by a friend or relative or in the case of a student them, but the accompanying person will not normally take an active part in the meeting. Legal representation is not permitted without the College’s knowledge or consent.
Following the investigation, the Investigating Manager will respond to the complainant within twenty working days, unless otherwise advised. If you are a HE student and are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation into the complaint, you may access Stage 3 of the Complaints Procedure. At the conclusion of this procedure, you will be issued with a Completion of Procedures (CoP) letter by Oxford Elite academy, which will allow you to then refer your complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), should you wish to proceed further and/or are still unhappy with the outcome of your complaint.

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